Sexual education on a neutral and technically competent level is more important than ever. Therefore I offer different types of workshops and events for schools, companies, (social) pedagogues ... as well as case discussions for socio-pedagogical institutions.
What is sex education
The neutral transfer of knowledge of sexual development, professional and well-founded knowledge on topics of physical changes, feelings, sex, menstruation, ejaculation, orgasm, contraception, ... in an age-appropriate language is an important criterion for the prevention of assault and for strengthening self-determined sexuality. This approach is applied sex education, which is an important component in the taboo removal process.
In order to bind apprentices more closely to their company, in support of the company's internal training programs, I align my sexual pedagogical content, as described above, with the needs of their company by clarifying this in joint preliminary discussions with the apprentice officers.
In addition to the preventive offers, there is the possibility of special offers in crisis situations. These include everything from support with clarification to measures to further options.
Sex pedagogical case discussions for teams from socio-pedagogical institutions or teachers are based, among other things, on the framework concept for sex pedagogy of the State of Upper Austria, after personal consultation and appointment.
In addition to preventive offers, there is also the option of special offers in crisis situations. These include everything from support with clarification to measures and further options.
Another offer is individual sexual pedagogical care for children and adolescents to expand their (physical, mental, emotional, ...) skills using the Sexocorporel method, a holistic health model from sex therapy. This type of work is essentially body-oriented and involves a lot of exercises. This is to ensure that the children and young people u. a. develop a feeling for what is good for you and what is not.
There is close cooperation for teaching appearances on the subject of (applied) sex education both at the FH Linz, as well as at the Academy for Health and Social Professions in Wels and at MA11 in Vienna.
Current dates can be found in the course program of the Social Academy Wels and/or a personal conversation with me.